Rebirth Brass Band

Friday, March 7, 2014

Reality Shows and Louisiana Leaders

Reality Shows and our leaders

Two things struck me as I flipped through the cable channels today:

1.The numerous reality TV shows on air- as there seems to be one for every celebrity and for every reason under the earth.

2.How little the enrichment and positivity I am actually getting.

One is hard pressed to find anything remotely related to viewing pleasure and even less so for educational/intellectual enrichment. Of course there are a couple of exceptions to the rule. But yes, for the most part they follow that rule of sheer entertainment. Anyway I digress, back to the idea of having some reality shows and linking them with our state leaders.

There are a couple I think we could readily adapt:

Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader?
This one would be specifically reserved for our administrators in the State Recovery School District and the Orleans Parish School Board. After all, one could argue that because of their inconsistencies and lack of vision, many 5th graders in New Orleans have ran the risk of graduating from school as semi-illiterates. Each administrator would be given questions from the syllabi and aided by a team of 5th graders that are typical products of their systems, they would seek to answer questions from the core curriculum.  

I wonder how many would excel with flying colors? ……..naw

Deal or No Deal: this one would apply to our governors(ex and current serving). Similar to the odds and chances played with the state economy, the game would unfold when a governor is confronted with 26 sealed briefcases full of varying amounts of cash – ranging from a measly $100 to $1million. Without knowing the amount in each briefcase, the governor picks one – his/hers to keep, if he/she chooses – until its unsealing at game's end. The risk element kicks in when the governor must then instinctively eliminate the remaining 25 cases – which are opened and the amount of cash inside revealed. The pressure mounts as in each round, after a pre-determined number of cases are opened, the governor would be tempted by a mysterious entity known as "the side deal" for personal gains – prompting the host to ask the all-important question – Deal or No Deal?

The Weakest Link: Our version will feature a team of nine ex- congressman/congresswomen who take turns answering questions. The objective of each round would be the same as the original concept of the show - answer a chain of consecutive correct answers to earn an increasing amount for a single communal reward within a certain time limit. The same rules of voting and elimination would apply to fish out the weakest link. The winning senators and representatives would get the money to donate to a charity of their own.
***and if you know Louisiana politics, you'll understand when I point out that family members and relatives do not qualify as charities***
And my all time favorite:

Moment of Truth : Open to all Louisiana politicians THE MOMENT OF TRUTH will put our political contestants to the test -- the lie detector test -- to reveal whether or not they are telling the truth for a chance to win half a million dollars. The challenge would be simple -- answer 21 increasingly personal and professional questions honestly, as determined by a polygraph, and win up to $500,000. Theirs to keep and help support their retirement plans.

To win $500,000 these politicians have to tell the truth. Of course, the questions are easier when the stakes are low but as the prize amount increases, they will be challenged to confess to matters they might normally lie about. The questions would be drawn from the general public, with the advertisements for the show encouraging persons to send in the questions they always wanted their leaders to answer.
But reality is indeed a muthafuka - now back to the limited choices of real life television, sheer entertainment.  

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