Terminator Genesis began shooting in New Orleans in April. The movie which is the fifth installment of the Terminator series stars Jai Courtney, Emilia Clarke and Arnold
Schwarzenegger (who promises "I'll be back"). In the film scene, Arnold Schwarzenegger stands in the background as gun-wielding Emilia Clarke and Jai Courtney interrogates Jason Clarke.
As for Arnold Schwarzenegger's T-800's grey-haired appearance, he spoke to MTV explaining that the Terminator's flesh ages, though not as rapidly as a human's:
"Terminator deals a lot with time travel, so there will be a younger T-800, and then what that model does later on when it gets reprogrammed, and who gets a hold of him. So it will be all kinds of interesting twists in the movie, but I feel so good. The way that the character is written, it's a machine underneath. It's this metal skeleton. But above that is human flesh. And the Terminator's flesh ages, just like any other human being's flesh. Maybe not as fast. But it definitely ages."Terminator Genesis is set be released on July 1, 2015. More photos after the jump
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