The NFL Players Association and the New Orleans Saints have been on a dispute over a bill
that would affect player's injury benefits. In a statement released this week, Saints Quarterback Drew Brees opposes the Louisiana legislature that substantially reduces compensation benefits for professional players injured in OTA's, mini-camps, training camp or even post-season. The bill was proposed by Rep. Chris Broadwater
“The job of legislators in Louisiana is to protect injured workers and fight for their workers comp benefits, not find ways to support bills like this one which reduce the workers comp benefits we receive when we get hurt,” Brees said in a statement released by the NFLPA.
“There is no financial benefit to the state with this bill, only team management. I am disappointed that [bill sponsors] Representative [Chris] Broadwater and [Cameron] Henry would take such a stance against our players and other Louisiana workers. Whether we get hurt during the season or in the preseason, it is all the same. It is in preparation to help us win a championship for our community.”
Source: NBC
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